When it comes to a major home renovation, particularly the first you’ve faced, you might find that you’re not quite sure of what you’re getting into. Depending on the project, you might have to relocate during the remodel or at least find another storage space for your belongings in the meantime. If you’re able to stay in your home through the renovation, you’ll still have to deal with the decrease in indoor air quality, often struggling with allergens and pollutants in the air where you live each day. Of course, that’s all the more stressful if you deal with asthma or allergies on an everyday basis!

Before the Renovation


As you prepare to undergo a major home renovation, prepping your space is crucial in how this project will go. For instance, have you made any plans for your belongings in the interim? If your renovation would risk your valuable items, you might decide to move them into a storage unit or other off-site space while you move through the remodel. A resource like FindSelfStorage can help you find a suitable storage facility for you, considering what’s available in your order and which ones have the amenities you need, whether that’s climate control, price, or something else entirely.

Similarly, you should ask yourself—how else can you make your life easier through the renovation process, preferably making the process easier for your contractors, too? For example, if you have pets, can they stay with a friend, family member, or trusted kennel while the worst of the construction is happening? The fresh air elsewhere will be beneficial for your furry friend and, at the same time, you won’t have to worry about them getting into trouble while your carpet is being replaced or pollutants like carbon monoxide could risk their health.

During the Renovation


During your remodel, your particular preparation will depend partly on whether you’re dealing with the construction face-to-face or from afar. For instance, if you’re in the home while work is happening, you might need to find new ways to improve your home’s air quality, ensuring you and your loved ones can breathe easy despite the decreased air quality that inevitably comes with renovation.

No one wants to face pollutants and allergens like pollen, mold, radon, mildew dust mites, or asbestos as they’re dealing with what’s inevitably a stressful process. In this case, you might decide to find an indoor air filter as an effective way to reduce the risk of headaches and other sorts of discomfort.

After the Renovation


Once you’ve made it through renovating this project in question, your top priority should be preparing for the return of you and your family. That might be moving your pets back in or emptying your self-storage unit to take advantage of your new-and-improved space. As you move things out of self-storage, you might even decide to sort through your belongings and declutter some of the items you’ve found you don’t even need in your home!

Completing a significant renovation project in your home can be overwhelming, but preparing yourself each step of the way doesn’t have to be. With tools like a self-storage facility, an air filter, and a bit of decluttering, you can move through any remodel with ease. Just as importantly, you’ll return to your transformed space with another transformation on the inside.

You’ve now gone through whatever belongings you once stored in that space, made an effort to improve your home’s air, and even gotten rid of some things along the way. With all these individual stages of preparation, you can’t help but feel excited about moving into your newly remodeled space with a new lease on life.