How To Repair Torn Ductwork

Ductwork runs throughout the home, and it can be an easy element to overlook when planning home improvement or renovation projects. Ducts provide the climate-controlled air that U.S. households depend on for comfort and peace of mind. Likewise, this feature of the home can provide clean and filtered air that will support the healthy lifestyle that you and your family want to create.

Learning how to repair torn ductwork is a must for any homeowner that wants to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle and manage their personal finances with ease and effectiveness. Ducts run all through the home’s attic and walls. From the air conditioner or furnace, they bring the air that you expect throughout the home and are often forgotten about as a result of the expensive units that sit at the front end of their paths. But ductwork can prove to be a unique nuisance in the event of a duct leak. Because the HVAC system runs through crawl spaces and other components of the home that aren’t built for ease of access or comfort, finding a leak in the air duct system can be a challenge.

Repairing torn ducts can help save you on electricity costs.


The need for a repair of this nature is obvious. With a tear in your system, conditioned air will leak out into the attic and walls rather than making it to the end of its journey and into the living spaces of the home. This is a problem for maintaining the level of comfort that you are seeking in your space, but it’s also a detriment to your electricity bill as well. Rising energy costs all across the United States coupled with poor maintenance routines mean that millions of homeowners across the country are simply wasting money that can easily be saved.

Electric power is used virtually everywhere to maintain the creature comforts that we’ve all become accustomed to. Electricity lights up our homes, powers our TVs, and provides for the energy required to heat or cool the air in the home and move it in a cycle that provides the ultimate level of comfort. But when the system is experiencing a leak or loss somewhere along the chain, the energy source has to work exponentially harder to keep the loop in circulation. Discharge along a power line can severely impact the delivery of electric power to homes in a large grid. The same is true for the power-sippers in the home. If your air conditioning system is experiencing a leak, then it will need to take in additional power and output added air in order to maintain system-wide continuity.

Call in a professional.


Professional air conditioning technicians can diagnose a leak in the duct system with ease. If you aren’t sure why you are losing air pressure inside the home, calling a professional contractor or repair technician is your best approach. For some, the DIY option might sound appealing, but when it comes to the HVAC system, there are so many highly technical parts that it’s often best to call for assistance.

Insulation, wiring, bare wood, and fasteners can all contribute to an injury in the attic while hunting for the source of a duct problem. A professional can clear out debris from the air conditioner and throughout the system with ease. Likewise, these technicians carry specialized tools with them that can help locate the source of pressure loss without having to climb through the entire length of your home’s tight spaces. Finding and remedying these issues is simple with the right help, so make sure you call in a professional.

Repairing your air conditioning system is a must for any home that has experienced a change in its air quality or pressure.

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