a bed with a white sheet

The Common Health Implications of Poor Air Quality

It’s easy to ignore indoor air quality, but you might be surprised to learn what a significant impact it can have on both your health and your quality of life. While some of the effects can be minor, significant air pollution can result in health conditions that can even cause death. Maintaining clean air in your home is necessary for any homeowner who cares about the health and wellness of their household. If you’re concerned about the quality of the air you’re breathing, keep reading to learn more about the common health implications of poor air quality.

What are the health implications of poor air quality?


Making sure the air in your home is healthy to breathe should be one of your highest priorities as a homeowner. The negative impact of poor air quality on your health ranges from irritating to potentially fatal. Common pollutants and irritants can be found in unclean air, which can cause symptoms like headaches, nausea, inflammation, and dizziness. They can also trigger anyone with allergies or asthma.

Prolonged exposure to polluted or contaminated air can put you at risk for several medical conditions and diseases, including cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. Contaminated air can also cause you to be more susceptible to infections of any kind. Studies have shown that both short-term and long-term exposure to air pollution can even lead to premature death.

Pets can also experience negative side effects from polluted air. Recent studies have confirmed respiratory illness linked to poor air quality in dogs and demonstrated that it can negatively impact their brains. Cats have similar issues, and some cats even suffer asthma linked to pollution.

How can you improve the air quality in your home?


Fortunately, there are a number of indoor air quality solutions for your home. First, you should make sure your HVAC system is in good working order. Many homeowners neglect regular maintenance on their heating and air conditioning systems, but it’s important if you want clean air at home. Have it serviced at least once annually and change the filter every 90 days. If you notice that the air in your home isn’t being filtered properly, call a technician and have them take a look at your system as soon as you can.

You may also need to manage the effects of poor air quality. If you notice that your skin is suffering as a result of poor air quality, you may want to consider investing in some quality plant based skincare. Redness and dry skin will need some moisture to look and feel healthy again. Harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances can put even more stress on sensitive skin. Skincare brands that use natural products with natural ingredients are a better alternative, especially if you choose products that contain essential vitamins and nutrients.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of the quality of the air we breathe. Maintaining clean air at home as best as you can is essential for any homeowner. If you live in an area where air quality is an issue, you may want to invest in personal care products that can help mitigate the effects of pollution on your body. Natural skincare products are one great way to take better care of yourself, but you should also invest in over-the-counter medications that can address issues like headaches and nausea that may recur. Finding the source of the air pollution should be your first priority. While you may not be able to do anything about the air quality outdoors, you can often take steps to maintain a clean and healthy environment in your home.

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